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Monthly Archives: June 2012

Indian media: Sport-fetish Page 1

Watching front-pages over the past two months in countries like US, France, Singapore and China, I have a feeling that Indian media is unduly focused on sport.
Don’t we have other newsworthy items to feature on Page 1?
It baffles me why Indian newspapers are taking up so much of Page 1 space for Euro 2012.
I’ve seen Le Monde in Paris while French Open was underway. But, the paper never carried French Open on Page 1…
I have read New York Times, Washington Post, Baltimore Sun and even Boston Globe while travelling in the US earlier this month. But never did I see Sport taking up Page 1 space!
When will Indian media come of age!

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Singapore: Awesome Astons

Today is Jishu’s birthday: 26 June. We decided to have our dinner at Astons at City Square Mall, Singapore’s first eco-mall.
For Astons, it’s been an amazing journey—-how a small stall in a coffee shop in just five years has grown into one of Singapore’s leading F&B brands with more than 20 outlets spanning across the city-state.
The outlet has three distinctive concepts—Astons Specialities, Astons Express and Astons Prime. And it promises the public impeccable service and an array of delectable and mouth-watering western cuisine at virtually any household’s budget.

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US Presidential poll: leadership deficit

While travelling in the US last month, it came to my mind why current world leaders have failed to inspire their countrymen and why the quality of political leadership has declined.
Thomas L Friedman in his column in New York Times says there are many explanations for the ‘global leadership deficit’. And he’d focus on two: “One generational and the other technological”.
But, I’d like to add a third to this deplorable decline in leadership qualities: lack of humility and knowledge deficit.

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Singapore: Second Coming

For me it’s Second Coming.
We landed in the city-state, where ‘LEARNING is a passion’. We’re wonderstruck by Changi international airport Terminal 3 facilities. Last week I was at JFK, New York.
But, Changi is an architectural delight.
Wow! Plush interior, swank décor and user-friendly utilities
Passenger comfort is Changi’s priority.

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Pleading for the Planet

Even as world leaders continue empty and highfalutin talks on global warming and climate change, the spat between the developed and the developing nations persists. And humanity remains the loser.

Can we spare a thought about our kids?

Do we care about our mother earth? Are we worried about the future of our children? If we do, the consensus between the developed and the developing countries could have been reached long ago.
It’s time we stopped bickering and made sincere efforts to save the world.

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Nobel Prize and Obama

President Barack Obama’s Nobel win was a sad commentary on the Nobel Award Committee. I wonder how it slipped the minds of distinguished members of the Committee and how they could put President Obama on the same pedestal as Mother Teresa, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela and Dalai Lama (earlier recipients of Nobel Peace Prize) so early?
Does Obama possess any sterling quality that can be compared to that of those great recipients or has the President made any signal contribution to the humanity or global peace?

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On the Road to White House

I stepped on 19th Street in DC on June 8. White House is located on the 17th Street on the Connecticut Avenue. With the Presidential poll just five months away, the DC area is eerily calm. Campaign fever is yet to catch up with the locals. Unbelievable!
Unlike in India…
Will it be Obama for the second term or Romney?

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