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Monthly Archives: April 2017

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Will media keep the heat on private hospitals?

The robust enthusiasm with which the Clinical Establishments Bill, 2017 was passed by the West Bengal government on March 17 should not be allowed to flag. The Bill aims at bringing transparency, ending harassment of patients and checking medical negligence in private hospitals and nursing homes. There is no gainsaying about the CM’s well-intentioned initiative. But, what causes concern is that two probe committees have submitted their reports about a month ago. But the public is still in the dark about the details of reports.

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India worst in healthcare transparency

Transparency is critical for efficiency in the healthcare sector and for patients.
KPMG, a global consultancy firm, in a recent study has found that India is second from bottom, only above China, in healthcare transparency. The global firm has surveyed the healthcare sector in 32 countries on transparency using six measures (quality of healthcare, patients’ experience, finance (price and payments), governance, personal healthcare data and communication of healthcare data).

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Why people go for doctor bashing

Why do people go for doctor bashing or hospital vandalism? People have been witness to doctors’ lack of accountability, their inhuman faces and malpractices and private hospitals’ mindless profiteering and utter neglect for years. Irrational drug prescribing, kickbacks for referrals, needless investigations and surgical procedures are widespread in private hospitals. Things have come to such a pass that people have lost trust in the entire healthcare system.
Doctors must think why incidence of doctor bashing or hospital vandalism is unimaginable in the developed countries like the US and UK.

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Where have all the good doctors gone…

Doctors, who know their subjects thoroughly and who really feel for his patients and listen to them with patience, have always been rare. Let me call them “manush-doctors”. Unfortunately, their breed is a rarity today.

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Why doctors resort to malpractices

Doctors working in private medical hospitals work are under severe pressure from the management for whom nothing else matters except profit–profit with a capital P.

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