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Monthly Archives: November 2012

Now a Laughter University in India

India’s “guru of giggling” Madan Kataria, who has got thousands of people guffawing globally in pursuit of better health, is setting up a “Laughter University” in Bangalore on land donated by a building contractor and $250,000 from an anonymous tycoon.

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Why tepid response to 2G auction good for Indian consumers

Recent auction to 2G spectrum in India has drawn poor response from bidders. But, it may augur well for Indian consumers. Tariffs may not rise much: Aggressive bidding in the auction would have driven spectrum prices higher leading to a sharp hike in mobile tariffs.

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Empowering African grandmas

Barefoot College in Tilonia, a small village in Ajmer district in Rajasthan is not just another college in the ordinary sense of the term.
Bunker Roy, a visionary and a social activist, established the college with a different objective. His mission was to solve problems like drinking water quality, female education, health and sanitation, rural unemployment, income generation, electricity and power, as well as social awareness and the conservation of ecological systems in rural India.

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Barack Obama: Audacity of hope

President Obama’s acceptance speech in Chicago on November 7, 2012

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Tonight, more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny, the task of perfecting our union moves forward.

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Catch those phrases in US Prez poll

Maybe we will not talk about all these words or catchphrases a year later or so, but the 2012 US presidential campaign has spawned a bunch of buzzwords.These catchphrases get etched on t-shirts and they get turned into viral videos.

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Shall we learn a lesson from Sandy?

Hurricane Sandy which ravaged the US East Coast is a wake-up call for the American leadership. Few New Yorkers had imagined in their wildest dreams that they would have to face such extraordinary ordeal. A city that never sleeps is now having a nightmare, almost crippled, facing severe power outage and transportation trauma in the wake of the super storm.

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