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Monthly Archives: September 2012

Innocence shines in US prez poll

President Barack Obama’s daughters are unique figures in the November 6 presidential election because they are so innocent compared with the rest of the political world.

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Wonderful Wu Opera

The Chinese Wu Opera wowed the Singapore audience with its unique show at Kreta Ayer Theatre at Chinatown last weekend. The show was organized as part of Mid-Autumn festival.

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Air India crew: Fun in flight!!

Have you ever seen crew members talking loud, having fun or taking their meals in full view of passengers on board? Well, you may encounter this on Air India flight!

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A program that predicts traffic flow

Imagine a system that would tell you in advance which road you should take to avoid traffic snarl! Well, scientists at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) are working over a program that will guide motorists about road conditions and advise them to take routes to steer clear of traffic jam.

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Advantage Obama

The US presidential elections are barely seven weeks away. The Charlotte Democratic Convention and the Tampa Republican convention are over. It’s time now to assess who will have the last laugh.

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Towering presence

As Americans remember 9/11 victims on the attack’s 11th anniversary, the new multibillion-dollar World Trade Center once again dominates the lower Manhattan skyline.

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India’s dairy revolutionist dies

While most business leaders often forget their responsibilities towards society and are solely driven by profit, there are some who strive to create specific types of business models to bring about social change for the benefit of disadvantaged sections of the society.

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Pankaj Adhikari’s Blogs

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