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Tag Archives: Climate change

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Searing heat wave in US: global cooperation needed to combat climate change

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A Washington Post news report last week on extreme heat in the US which has “killed at least 28 in the past week” has prompted me to write this story. Last August, I had written in my blog (following the wild fires in Canada and the US) that we’re living in a time of serious environmental catastrophe. Unfortunately, world leaders are blissfully unaware of its impacts on the environment, and its implications for society, economy and policy.

According to a BBC report, Canada’s boreal zone— a mixture of forest and wetland—makes up more than half of its land area. Wildfires burned a record185,000 sq km of the country in 2023, an area the size of Syria. In western Canada, 163 of these fires went underground and smoldered until this spring.

The Post report should be a wake-up call for urgent action on climate change.

Most of the heat-related deaths, the Post report says, have been reported in California, Oregon and Arizona, but high temperatures have caused deaths as far east as Maryland, the report has added.

Searing heat in recent years is nothing new in the US. Due to global warming, heat wave has been sweeping through much of the country. “We’ve forest fires in the West, Hurricane Beryl has wreaked havoc in Texas this month. We’ve tornadoes almost every week,” says Alokananda Bagchi, who had taught at Michigan State University. “We’re seeing the ravages of climate change much earlier than had been anticipated, and it feels as though our planet is headed for destruction at breakneck speed,” Bagchi, who has been living in the US since 1991, rues.

The Post report had also said that as of last Wednesday (July 10), “more than 135 million people across the Lower 48 were under heat alerts…” Federal data shows that deaths from heat have increased in the US steadily, in recent years climbing to over 2300 in 2023. About 1600 heat-related fatalities occurred in 2021 and there were approximately 1700 in 2022.

The Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies had published a report in the journal Climate Change last year stating that by the year 2050 the western US will experience not only more wildfires, but they will start earlier in the year, some of which can travel hundreds of miles away from the fire and potentially cause lung problems for anyone who breathes in these tiny particulate of soot and ash.

Much of Canada, like the rest of North America, has experienced record heat recently as climate change continues to warm the planet. Prof Lord Nicholas Stern, former chief economist at the World Bank, in his book “The Global Deal: Climate Change and the creation of a new era of progress and prosperity,” has said: …”the process of climate change starts with the actions of the people and ends with the impacts on people….” A leading authority on what we can do in the face of such threat, Prof Stern has said action on climate change requires the greatest possible international collaboration, led by the US and China, who are by far the greatest emitters of greenhouse gases.

The Biden administration had announced a plan to make the US carbon neutral by 2050. “This will never happen in a million years,” said American columnist Bradley Blankenship.

It’s a matter of great concern that private jets in the US make up approximately 67% of all private jets worldwide. Nearly two-thirds of the world’s private jets are registered in the US, according to data from Airbus Corporate Jets. According to the US Census Bureau, 91.7% of the US households own at least one car, up from 91.3% in 2018, and 22.1% of the household had three or more vehicles in 2022, a 5.2% increase from 2018.

According to a report by a local expatriate, as of the end of June 2023, it is estimated that there are 420 million vehicles (including trucks) in China. Until 2020, the US has held the top position in terms of the number of vehicles, but China now has surpassed it, the report says.

America has produced around 400 billion tons of CO2 since 1751, enough to account for 25% of all anthropogenic emissions globally—and doubles China’s share. This fact alone, coupled with the fact that China with a far larger population and industrial base, produces half as much CO2 per capita, demonstrate that the US bears a unique responsibility toward poorer countries.

Poor countries — the least responsible for the climate change- will be hit earliest and hardest.  Prof Stern has rightly pointed out that we cannot afford the risks of ignoring the costs and consequences of global climate change. Instead of engaging in a blame game, it is high time world leaders closed ranks and got together for the greatest possible international collaboration to save the planet.

Are the US and the Chinese governments listening?











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Wildfires in US and Canada: Wake-up call for urgent action on climate change

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We’re living in a time of serious environmental catastrophes. The Maui wildfires (August 8) in Hawaii and the Canadian wildfires in May and June this year have once again brought into focus the devastating impact of climate change. Along with humans, every year we lose thousands of species, even as others slip deeper into danger.

The Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies published a report in the journal Climate Change recently, and they predict by the year 2050 the Western US will experience not only more wildfires, but they will start earlier in the year, and they will emit more pollutants, some of which can travel hundreds of miles away from the fire and potentially cause lung problems for anyone who breathes in these tiny particulates of soot and ash.

The Maui fires have killed more than 100 people, forced tens of thousands of residents and tourists to evacuate the island and devastated the historic resort city of Lahaina. The blaze is the deadliest U.S. wildfire since 1918, when northern Minnesota’s Cloquet Fire, which raged for more than four days, claimed 453 lives, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). The deadliest wildfire in US history, Wisconsin’s Peshtigo fire in 1871, killed 1,152.

Much of Canada, like the rest of North America, has experienced record heat and drought recently as climate change continues to warm the planet. In May and June this year wildfires spread across the country, causing mass evacuations and burning through millions of acres. Even on Monday thick smoke blanketed much of the Pacific Northwest as numerous wildfires in Canada, Washington State and Oregon continued to burn, killing at least one person, destroying scores of buildings and threatening dozens more.

Wildfires are a natural part of the landscape in the West. The issue really becomes where we’ve altered the natural order of things, as is happening with climate change. There’s also a health consideration with the pollution and the particulates that come with these large fires.

We need to think about what the greenhouse gas emissions impacts are at play, and how much we can moderate the continued rise of temperature if greenhouse gas emissions are reduced.

Climate change is expected to worsen the frequency, intensity, and impacts of extreme weather events. For example, sea level rise increases the impacts of coastal storms and warming can place more stress on water supplies during droughts.

US is the main climate culprit

The US is by far the world’s leading historic emitter of greenhouse gases. America has produced around 400 billion tonnes of CO2 since 1751, enough to account for 25% of all anthropogenic emissions globally — and double China’s share. This fact alone, coupled with the fact that China, with a far larger population and industrial base, produces half as much CO2 per capita, demonstrates that the US bears a unique responsibility towards poorer countries.

The Biden administration announced a plan to make the US carbon neutral by 2050 but there are a few snags to consider. First of all, the current Supreme Court has made clear that regulatory agencies have limited powers and that Congress must clearly specify their scope. It means that Congress would need to pass and continually fund a carbon neutrality plan through 2050, and whoever is president would need to sign the bills. “This will never happen in a million years,” says American columnist Bradley Blankenship.

Polls indicate that a substantial majority of Americans want to take action on the climate change. According to an April poll by Pew Research, 69% of Americans are in favor of the US becoming carbon neutral by 2050. And 54% believes climate change is a major threat — though 78% of Democrats feel this way.

The 2023 UN Climate Change Conference (COP 28), which will be held in Dubai, UAE, from 30 November to 12 December this year, is supposed to focus on four paradigm shifts:

  • Fast-tracking the energy transition and slashing emissions before 2030;
  • Transforming climate finance, by delivering on old promises and setting the framework for a new deal on finance;
  • Putting nature, people, lives, and livelihoods at the heart of climate action; and
  • Mobilizing for the most inclusive COP ever.

It’s time for a serious political will to take steps to save the planet.

Wordtoon by Subhendu Sarkar

Pankaj Adhikari’s Blogs

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